Caritas Singapore is delighted to have this opportunity to collaborate with Kingsmead Centre to bring you this 2-day reflection session – Seeing with the Heart: A Contemplative form of Compassion. They have brought in Jesuit Father Peter McIsaac to guide us on this time of contemplation and reflection.

As persons committed to progressing in our spiritual journey, we identify two important dimensions of that journey: first, the deepening of our intimacy with God in prayer; and secondly, the impulse to embrace the world and to cultivate peace and justice with compassion. Yet we sometimes find it difficult to integrate these two dimensions of our spiritual life. The great saints and mystics of the Christian tradition seemed to unite these dimensions in a pervading awareness of God’s presence both in the interior movements of meditation, as well as in the many networks of social relationships.
In our time together, we will explore a deeper understanding of contemplation as the awareness of God’s divine love that expresses itself as compassion, both within us and among us. This may transform, or give new insight into, what we mean by compassion and how it manifests itself in our inter-personal relationships (mercy, forgiveness, support, etc.), as well as in our labour to transform society with justice and peace (reconciliation, poverty alleviation, education, solidarity, etc.).
Saturday, 29 Jan 2022 (part 1)
9:00am – Welcome & Intro & Opening Prayer
9:10am – Input Session 1
11am – Personal Prayer & Reflection
(Lunch Break)
2.30pm to 3.30pm – Small Sharing Groups
End of part 1
Sunday, 30 Jan 2022 (part 2)
9:00am – Welcome and short recap
9:15am – Input Session 2
10:45am – Short Silent Personal Prayer Reflection
11am – Plenary Session
12noon – End
Come! Join us as we start the new year with a spiritual enrichment by registering here!