Climate Action Conference

Why and how should Catholics care for God’s creation?
What are the goals of Laudato Si’ announced by Pope Francis?
What actions can Catholic parishes take to progress towards the goals?

The Church of St Ignatius organised an inaugural Climate Action (Virtual) Conference, in collaboration with Caritas Singapore for Catholic parishes in Singapore on 6 November 2021. The aim of the conference was to promote awareness of and inspire action towards the Laudato Si’ goals announced by Pope Francis.

Topics discussed included:

  1. Interconnectedness of human beings with nature
  2. Integral response to climate change
  3. Ecological conversion of the heart
  4. Key principles of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ Action Plan
  5. Strategies and practical tips on building an ecological parish

Over 120 participants attended the conference via Zoom and YouTube. In-person follow-up sessions were later organised on 20 November 2021 to create actionable responses towards an integral ecology with parish representatives and church organisations.

Watch the full conference online.

For more information, drop us an email at [email protected]