Caritas Singapore was honoured to receive Mdm Halimah Yacob, President of Singapore, at Agape Village on the morning of 22 September 2017.
During her two-hour visit, President Halimah interacted with over 100 committee members, staff and volunteers from Caritas Singapore’s 25 member organisations and other partner organisations.

President Halimah engaged in conversation and activities with staff and clients from Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants & Itinerant People (ACMI), Mamre Oaks, Mount Alvernia Hospital Outreach Medical and Dental Clinics, Abilities Beyond Limitations and Expectations (ABLE), and ABLE Social Enterprise Accounting Services Limited (ABLE SEAS LTD), and Montfort Care. These member organisations offer various programmes and services at Agape Village.
As Mdm Halimah stepped into one of the many training rooms utilised by ACMI for their Skills Development Centre, she was greeted by migrant trainees and friends of ACMI. Over 300 foreign domestic helpers gather at Agape Village for a wide array of certified-courses from cooking, baking, computer, language, music to hairdressing every Sunday.

President Halimah also visited Mamre Oaks, a Day Activity Centre for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities where she experienced some of the activities that the members are engaged in at the centre.

At ABLE’s Rehabilitation and Training Centre, President Halimah shared precious moments with Jayandi d/o Arumugam (Jaya), a client of ABLE. Jaya demonstrated the pilates therapy exercises which is part of her ongoing rehabilitation. She is currently employed by ABLE SEAS LTD, a social enterprise, as an accounting assistant where she is empowered to be self-sufficient.
The anticipation by the staff of Montfort Care culminated into a roaring applause when they greeted President Halimah at the Montfort Care Centre. The team shared with our President Montfort Care’s strong network of services and programmes committed to improving the lives of individuals, families and the community facing transitional challenges.