A retreat that helps participants to pray and think about how the gospel can be lived in one’s daily life
This retreat consists of a two-day retreat without overnight stay on a weekend and a half-day follow-up on the following Saturday. The aim of this retreat is to bring participants on a journey of discovery of how we are called to live our faith more intentionally in our daily lives.
This is a guided retreat with inputs from Fr David Garcia, OP and facilitators with time for personal reflections and group sharing sessions. This is not a silent retreat although there are opportunities for quiet time.
The main theme of the retreat is love—God’s love for us and our love for one another. This is depicted in the two inter-relational aspects of Being and Doing. Through our awareness of God’s great unconditional love for us (Being), we, in gratitude, bring His love and presence to our families, workplace and community in concrete ways (Doing). In Doing, we grow as persons stronger in faith and love (Being), and we are then impelled to give even more of ourselves to others in Doing.
Next Session: To be announced