Every first Saturday of the year, the Caritas family gathers at our premises at Caritas Singapore-Agape Village for our Annual Mass to give thanks for the past year and to begin the new year. The Mass is celebrated by His Grace, Archbishop William Goh and con-celebrated by Fr Christopher Soh, SJ.

About 200 people from the Caritas family, including board members, staff and volunteers came for the Mass. In his homily, Archbishop urged the Caritas family to work together. He reminded us that “The real danger is when organisations within the same social mission are competitive … There is only one work. Anyone who is poor, deserves our help.” This was an apt reminder for us in the coming year as we seek to collaborate more, to bring the face of Christ to all, as a family.
This year, the Mass also marked the transition of our board and there was a handover of Chairmanship from Ms Janet Ang to Professor Tan Cheng Han. The Mass ended with the leaders of the Caritas family pledging their commitment to serve and a blessing by Archbishop.

We look forward to a fruitful year ahead!