Catholic Medical Guild (CMG)

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The Catholic Medical Guild (CMG) is a community of health care professionals who are dedicated to living out their Catholic vocation within their profession. Formed in 1952, the Guild brings together individuals who are passionate about integrating their faith, life, and work, and who are committed to advancing the ethical practice of medicine and science. The CMG serves the Church through education, offering members opportunities to deepen their understanding of medico-moral questions and to explore the intersections of faith and medicine.

In addition to fostering personal and professional growth among its members, the CMG also aspires to be an authoritative voice on bioethical issues. They provide guidance and advice on a range of medical and ethical topics, and serve as a reference point for individuals and organisations who are seeking a Catholic perspective on these complex and often sensitive issues. Whether through education, advocacy, or simply by providing a supportive community for its members, the Catholic Medical Guild is dedicated to serving the Church and advancing the ethical practice of medicine and science.

Communities served


Abilities Beyond Limitations and Expectations (ABLE)

Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants & Itinerant People (ACMI)

Boys’ Town

Canossaville Children and Community Services (Canossaville)

Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives Singapore (CHARIS)

Catholic Architectural Guild (CAG)

Catholic Business Network (CBN)

Catholic Family Life (CFL)

Catholic Lawyers Guild (CLG)

Catholic Medical Guild (CMG)

Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG)

Catholic Welfare Services (CWS)

Clarity Singapore Limited


Infant Jesus Homes & Children’s Centres (IJHCC)

Mamre Oaks

Marymount Centre

Montfort Care

Morning Star Community Services (MSCS)

Roman Catholic Prison Ministry (RCPM)

Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP)